Thursday 20 February 2014


I have completed my task stated in my previous diary extract. I intend for my project to be completed for the October deadline - my timeline is constructed with this in mind. I've only done a Microsoft document for the timeline at the moment as I can't figure out how I want to display it. Here's what I've decided on so far:

Very brief plan of magazine: 24/2/2014
Complete secondary research: 17/3/2014
Conduct primary research – interview: 7/4/2014
Choose article topic: 14/4/2014
12th May – 6th June: EXAMS
Article first draft: 16/6/2014
Choose music to write about: 16/6/2014
Final draft of article: 30/6/2014
Take photos of street style: 20/7/2014
Write about each area of London: 3/8/2014
Draft of complete extract – get it bound and produced: 31/8/2014
Get opinions of others, make any changes: 7/9/2014
Final extract – bound and produced: 20/9/2014

Target: To complete the clear, brief plan of the magazine for tomorrow

Skills learned: Organisational skills

Tuesday 4 February 2014


I still need to create the timeline, finding a template that suits my preferences is harder than expected. However, I must have completed this my next week in order to make sure I am in control of what stages my EP will go through.

In addition to this I have also started thinking about primary and secondary data. I presume that for primary data I will conduct an interview with someone in the fashion industry as well as doing a brief interview with the people I chose to take photographs of for my street style extract.

For secondary research I am going to read and analyse current magazines as well as comparing womans magazine from the past and now. I will also look at statistic such as how many people read different types of magazine, how many magazines are on the market, what magazines do to target their demographic etc. This will give me information to aid me in writing the articles in magazine and making sure.

Completed Target: I have chosen to make my deadline in October as I think the summer will give me time to go out and take photos and make the final piece of a high quality.

Target: To have finished timeline by next week

Skills learned: Decision making