Tuesday 22 April 2014


Over the Easter Holiday's I decided I no longer wanted to do an artefact for my Extended Project and instead I want to do a dissertation on a the similar topic of 'How blogging has influenced fashion'. The reason for changing the form of my project is because I wanted the topic to be more specific to blogging and I felt a magazine would need more that just one subject matter. The research I have done so far is still beneficial to the dissertation as it's not deviating from the original topic too much.

Unfortunately, I wasnt able to do much in the holidays regarding my EP as most of my time was spent revising for upcoming exams. I hope to do more research into the dissertation topic before my exams start to leave me in a good place for after exams. I still want to keep the deadline date for October as this will give me time to do thorough research.

Target: Rewrite the rationale and VTT

Tuesday 1 April 2014


Other than redesigning a few pages of the magazine I have been fairly unproductive due to coursework deadlines and revision for tests. I haven't been able to meet the target of completing my secondary data and I haven't started to think of what the article topic is going to be or the questions for my interview. The majority of my Easter holidays will be revising for my exams but if I find time I will try and complete some more secondary research and devise an interview.

Target: Try and do some more secondary research and conduct an interview


After looking through some more magazines recently I thought my street style article is a bit to organised regarding the layout. I have therefore, decided to replan this article briefly:


Target: Do some more research into another magazine and article topics
Skills learned: I've continued to develop my IT skills