Thursday 16 October 2014

Is Estuary English in the media leading to the death of Received Pronunciation? (For English Lang intervention task)

Estuary English is a term that's been thrown around 'willy-nilly' within the past decade. Originally referring to the accent and dialect in the areas around the Thames: East End, Kent and Essex, it's now settled as a term alluding to the whole London area. Consisting of a blend of Cockney and Standard English/Received pronunciation, it's the middle ground between the two extremes. The Estuary English accent is one which is ever more increasing while the use of dialect it beginning to spread further across England.

Some common features of the accent are:

1) /l/ vocalisation such as in 'milk' sounding like 'miwk'
2) /t/ glottaling in words like 'butter' pronounced 'buher'
3) Yod dropping such as 'new' pronounced 'noo'
4) /th/ fronting such as  'free' for 'three'

The aforementioned features were found in Joanna Przedlacka study Estuary English, in which she looked at the language of sixteen teenage speakers. Comparing what she found with data from the Survey of English Dialects, she concluded that:

- Glottaling (supposedly a distinctive feature of Estuary English) showed a pattern not dissimilar to that of fifty years ago, as shown in the SED data, but that

-L-vocalisation had increased.

She compared the Estuary English data and recordings of RP and Cockney speakers. This demonstrated that Estuary speakers were intermediate between RP and "Cockney" as regards the incidence of t-glottaling and l-vocalisation. She suggests that this may be an oversimplification of the issue: one should also consider factors such as geographical variation or idiosyncratic characteristics of the speakers.

The associations with Estuary English are beginning to shed the negative connotations as the frequency of use throughout the media today begins to override those of other dialects such as extreme RP. Jonathan Ross uses his accent as a way of differentiating himself from other presenters, frequently using the abbreviation 'ya' for 'you' as well as yod dropping. Even with the Queen as his Grandmother, Prince Harry is heard using the contraction 'ain't' in a recent interview: 'You ain't ever gonna find someone who's gonna jump in...' he even uses another common contraction 'gonna', something that would arouse upheaval if the Queen used. This acceptance from people who are in the public eye highlights how people are less constrained by RP norms.Could this be acceptance of a less rigid conformation to RP?  And the curtains to RP?

This rapid spread of Estuary English throughout time can clearly be perceived by comparing the accents of the Princess of Wales, the Prince of Wales and the Queen. Diana would pronounce words like 'Tuesday' more like 'chewsday'. Professor Wells is carrying out a study into Estuary English overtaking Received Pronunciation. He says that "Compare her [Princess Diana] pronunciation with that of Prince Charles, which is much more conservative; and the Queen's, which is much more conservative than his." The 12 years difference in age between Prince Charles and his former wife indicated how rapidly "Estuary English" was establishing itself. "Diana still had an upper-class accent but it was different from Prince Charles's."

We're even seeing the rise of Estuary English being used within the political speeches of politicians like Tony Blair and Ed Miliband. Miliband can be heard frequently using glottal stops, many saying he mirrors that of previous Prime Minister Tony Blair. This use of faux-Estuary English could be an attempt to create a more relatable government, using the accent as a way of class reduction. This could perhaps make those who don't speak in RP feel more connected with what the members of parliament are saying. Something which is common with public figures is their flexibility of accent and dialect. Professor Wells said. "Your accent is a badge you wear, which tells people what sort of person you are. If you can be flexible, then you can fit in with many groups."

Estuary English today is deemed to be homogeneous and fake with famous role models such as Gordon Ramsay, Victoria Beckham and Katie Price using it. Critics of Estuary English argue that it is the accent of people who come from nowhere and that this may account for its spread far from the Thames, where it originated from. 

Could this acceptance of Estuary English within the media industry, government and monarchy alike, begin to shed the remains of Received Pronunciation?

Tuesday 15 July 2014


I have completed the Ep queustionnaire for next year as well as being up to date with the mid project review which are the two documents to be completed before the summer holiday

Tuesday 8 July 2014


I've not done anything since the last post as I haven't got a reply back from the blogger with some contacts I can ask the question to. I will proceed with doing other research in the hope that I will get a reply sometime soon.

I really need to find some actual books that I can refer to to give a varied set of research. I did go into London to the British Museum to find some books, only to find that you had to be a member to go into the Reading Rooms. I want to sign up before the summer holidays, if it doesn't cost anything, so I can find out some information.

I've done some research into books I could refer to:
- Blog Ambition: Fashion, Feelings and the Political Economy of the Digital Raced Body - Camera Obscura

- Fashion blogs - By Kirstin Hanssen

Monday 23 June 2014


I completed my timeline last week:


Robert (overdressed and underprepared), my brother's housemate, has aided more primary research by giving me the contacts of some more fashion bloggers, so I can ask them the same question. This will really progress my project and, as before, help give the dissertation a basis to expand upon.

Sunday 22 June 2014


I got a reply from my brother's housemate regarding the dissertation topic today. His reply has helped me alot and I'm going to try emailing the bloggers I first tried again in order to get their opinion as it'll give me a basis for my dissertation.

Friday 20 June 2014


After not recieving any replies from any of the bloggers I emailed yet I decided I need to find another source. I recently found out that a boy my brother lives with has a well known blog, recently winning a highly commended award for best male fashion blog at the Company Bloggers Awards. I've asked him the same question 'How do you think fashion blogging has influenced the fashion industry' and I should hopefully hear from him soon.

As well as this, I am planning to visit the British Library to find more secondary research as I'm trying to aim to get most of my EP done before the first deadline, if not to have finished it by then. 

Tuesday 17 June 2014


I just sent out an email to some fashion bloggers asking for their opinion on how they think fashion blogging has influenced the fashion industry for primary research, which I will be able to use in my dissertation.

The next task I need to do is go to a library and find some books on fashion pre blogging era and on fashion nowadays and compare styles. This is so I can collate more research to complete some 'connect' tasks.

Sunday 15 June 2014


Now that exams are over, I'm using my time to progress with my EP project quite alot so I don't leave myself a lot to do during the holidays. Today I've made a more thorough timeline outlining the structure of the production of my dissertation 'How blogging has changed the fashion industry'. I've also completed a piece of research as that is a weakness of the my planning so far. These are both being done for the Tuesday (17th June) deadline.

Tuesday 22 April 2014


Over the Easter Holiday's I decided I no longer wanted to do an artefact for my Extended Project and instead I want to do a dissertation on a the similar topic of 'How blogging has influenced fashion'. The reason for changing the form of my project is because I wanted the topic to be more specific to blogging and I felt a magazine would need more that just one subject matter. The research I have done so far is still beneficial to the dissertation as it's not deviating from the original topic too much.

Unfortunately, I wasnt able to do much in the holidays regarding my EP as most of my time was spent revising for upcoming exams. I hope to do more research into the dissertation topic before my exams start to leave me in a good place for after exams. I still want to keep the deadline date for October as this will give me time to do thorough research.

Target: Rewrite the rationale and VTT

Tuesday 1 April 2014


Other than redesigning a few pages of the magazine I have been fairly unproductive due to coursework deadlines and revision for tests. I haven't been able to meet the target of completing my secondary data and I haven't started to think of what the article topic is going to be or the questions for my interview. The majority of my Easter holidays will be revising for my exams but if I find time I will try and complete some more secondary research and devise an interview.

Target: Try and do some more secondary research and conduct an interview


After looking through some more magazines recently I thought my street style article is a bit to organised regarding the layout. I have therefore, decided to replan this article briefly:


Target: Do some more research into another magazine and article topics
Skills learned: I've continued to develop my IT skills  


Tuesday 18 March 2014


I have now completed my first piece of secondary research which was on the Company Magazine. I looked at how it was layed out, what kind of images and articles were included; I mostly focused on the aesthetics of the magazine.

(Analysis can be found in my sharepoint folder)

Target: I need to do some research into article topics and what I could write about, as well as devising some questions to ask my interviewee

Skills learned: How to find relevant information and evaluating/analysis skills

Tuesday 11 March 2014


Below is the brief layout plan for my magazine. I've based my magazine on Company magazine as I really like the layout and colours which are in that magazine. This has inspired me to make a A5 magazine rather than A4 as it's more convenient to carry around. I have chosen a colour scheme yet, I need to do some more research in order to work out what colours I want.


Target: Do more secondary research

Skills learned: I have developed IT skills by completing the plan on Microsoft. This has also made the process of my magazine more organised as it's set a target for what I want to create

Thursday 20 February 2014


I have completed my task stated in my previous diary extract. I intend for my project to be completed for the October deadline - my timeline is constructed with this in mind. I've only done a Microsoft document for the timeline at the moment as I can't figure out how I want to display it. Here's what I've decided on so far:

Very brief plan of magazine: 24/2/2014
Complete secondary research: 17/3/2014
Conduct primary research – interview: 7/4/2014
Choose article topic: 14/4/2014
12th May – 6th June: EXAMS
Article first draft: 16/6/2014
Choose music to write about: 16/6/2014
Final draft of article: 30/6/2014
Take photos of street style: 20/7/2014
Write about each area of London: 3/8/2014
Draft of complete extract – get it bound and produced: 31/8/2014
Get opinions of others, make any changes: 7/9/2014
Final extract – bound and produced: 20/9/2014

Target: To complete the clear, brief plan of the magazine for tomorrow

Skills learned: Organisational skills

Tuesday 4 February 2014


I still need to create the timeline, finding a template that suits my preferences is harder than expected. However, I must have completed this my next week in order to make sure I am in control of what stages my EP will go through.

In addition to this I have also started thinking about primary and secondary data. I presume that for primary data I will conduct an interview with someone in the fashion industry as well as doing a brief interview with the people I chose to take photographs of for my street style extract.

For secondary research I am going to read and analyse current magazines as well as comparing womans magazine from the past and now. I will also look at statistic such as how many people read different types of magazine, how many magazines are on the market, what magazines do to target their demographic etc. This will give me information to aid me in writing the articles in magazine and making sure.

Completed Target: I have chosen to make my deadline in October as I think the summer will give me time to go out and take photos and make the final piece of a high quality.

Target: To have finished timeline by next week

Skills learned: Decision making

Thursday 23 January 2014


The first stages of my EP have included devising an idea for my project: I would like to achieve to make an installment in a fashion magazine. I'm expecting to make something high quality that could been seen in the pages of leading fashion magazines. I have also written my rationale, which states what my idea is and how I want to achieve it as well as where I hope to gather my research from. In addition to this I have also filled out my VTT to go with my final EP project.

Target: Create a plan for dates that I wish to finish specific tasks as well as choosing what deadline date I want to make.

Skills learned: Decision making and copmuter skills when writing the rationale and creating a document on the sharepoint